Friday, December 1, 2006

Diabetic foot ulcer

Diabetic foot is ulcer which locate in the foot of people who has got diabetes either type 1 or type 2.neurophaty and vascular disorder such as artherosclerosis can affect foot to get ulcer caused lost of sensation and poor blood supply.


Nuerophaty can cause inability to feel pain,heat and cold.People with diabetes suffering from neurophaty can develop minor cuts,scrapes,blister or pressure sore that they may not be aware of due to the

If these minor injuries are left untreated,complication may result and lead to ulceration and possibly even amputation.neurophaty also can cause deformities such as bunion,hammer toes and charcot feet.

Diabetes can lead peripheral vascular deaseas that inhibit a person blood circulation especially to the foot.Poor circulation contibutes to diabetes related foot problem by reducing the amount of oxigen and nutrition splied to the skin and other tissue,therefore causing injuries to heal poorly.

Poorly circulation can also lead swelling and dry skin.

Preventing foot complication is more critical for diabetes clien because of poor circulation impairing the healing process,and can lead to ulcer,infection,and other serious foot condition.if you have diabetes and are experiencing a foot problem,immedietly consul your foot doctor.


  • Always keep your feet clean
  • After bathing or showering always dry your feet well.
  • Avoid temperature extreem when washing your feet and always test the water temperature with elbow before soaking your feet.
  • Make sure that you buy shoes that fit well,dont rub and have plenty of toe room.
  • Inspect your shoes regulary for foreign objects and rough and torn areas.
  • If your feet are cold at bed time,wear warm socks and avoid using heating pads or a hot water bottle.
  • Shock should be clean,dry and soft.
  • Cut your toenail only if they are still soft from bathing-a podiatrist does this best.
  • Never EVER go bare foot.
  • Have your doctor check your feet at every visit.
  • When you do your own daily inspection use a good light and a mirror to see a bottom of your feet.
  • look carefully for open sores,cuts,calluses,blister and corns.
  • Always check between the toes.If you notice any problems call podiatrist at once.
  • Beware of "bathroom surgery"-let podiatrist look after corns and calluses.

(source:From nursing orientation foot clinic DDRCT Kuwait;presented by SYLVIE.D)

If BG ketones over 250mg/dl,check urine ketones
if urine ketones are psitive,deliver insuline manually with a syringe,give asupplement injection every 2 hours until BG is normal and ketones are negative.

If ketones are negative,give a supplement injection every 4 hours until BG is normal

If nausea and vomiting occur,give injection by syringe first;the change infusion set and proceed with the above trouleshooting protocol and give supplement bolus every 2 hours.

If BG is not falling,force fluid,call physicisn and continue giving insulin by injection.

from minimed

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